Saturday, April 14, 2012

By the Lake

So this was what the weather looked like earlier this least in the morning, so I decided to take a walk around the lake in St. Fraimbault.  So I'll take you along.

When I go outside the house I turn left and start walking toward the church and the town hall right next door.   

To the left is this house which should be amazing in the middle of summer with the huge vines all over it.

There are a few houses on sale in town including these two on the right as I walk toward he lake.
Our local bakery is on the next block on the right.  The very nice woman there sells baguettes from 7:45AM for less than a dollar each.  I don't know how she takes in enough to make a living!

Down the road on the right is the little Superette--a very small market with all the basics including an extensive wine section.
Right behind the market is the cemetery, which I haven't visited yet but will some day.
 There is a lot of clear-cutting of trees around here.  It can be very unsightly.  I assume the trees will be gone soon so the village can retain its reputation of one of the prettiest in Normandy (because of the flowers, mostly).
Here's a map of Orne, the section of Normandy where St. Fraimbault is.  Maybe you can see the town mentioned on the lower left part of the map--designated by all kinds of flowers.
The lake is actually a part of a river dammed up a bit.
It really is quite beautiful and peaceful.
But  see more clear-cutting above.
You can see that there are flower beds just waiting to bloom.
There are also a  number of ducks....though the all seem to be "paired up" two males to one female.

These are two different groups

There is a nice bridge in the middle
and another way to get across the lake if you want to turn back.
I took the back way home up the road.  The first things you see are the things you see more of than anything else in Normandy--cows.
The town is very proud of its designation as a village fleuri, as seen by the sign going into the town.
And despite the fact that very few people live here, apparently a lot of people visit during the blooming season, as testified by this sign showing a local entrepreneur who parks cars for money.
 Closer to town does not mean father away from livestock.  This group of sheep is right around the corner from my house.
And it's not just sheep; here's a chicken and sheep wondering who the heck I am.
I got home and it started to's been doing a lot of that.


  1. Thanks for the new pictures. I see things are a bit greener and more floral than when we left. I also see that you did buy some plants. I'm sure you'll send pictures when they've been planted. I hope the weather stays nice this week and for your visitors.
